News ID: 109
Publish Date : 29 July 2017 - 13:10

Twelfth government inherits the car contracts

Last week, Mohammadreza Nematzadeh announced his resignation from Ministry of Industry, mine and trade and this is while he inherited some car contracts for the twelfth government.
According to Khodrocar journalist, fter BARJAM, car makers were very eager to sign contracts with foreign companies but in practice, until now there is only one contract signed between Peugeot and Iran Khodro and the rest of them are suspended.

Mercedes Benz still on the way to Iran
Signing a contract with Mercedes Benz was one of the things that discussed shortly after BARJAM. Two years ago, senior executives of this German company traveled to Iran with their personal airplanes to sign contracts with Iranian automakers and a draft of contact signed between Mercedes Benz and Iran Khodro Diesel, but since then the contract is still suspended.

The contract was not only about producing commercial vehicles but also producing cars but that didn’t happen and the reason was the trip plan inconsistency of Mercedes Benz senior executives. It seems that the twelfth government should take the responsibility of signing this contract.

Hibernation of Renault’s contract
Renault’s contract with IDRO is also suspended, exactly like Mercedes Benz and the only difference is that since the last November, the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade promised to sign it from week to week. Mohsen Salehinia, deputy minister of industry told Khodrocar: We know that we have been promising signing this contract many times, but we are still discussing the details of the contract and we can not declare a specific time.

He adds: The eleventh and twelfth governments do not differ, but we prefer to focus on detail rather than focusing on time.

According to informed sources, signing the Renault contact will not be possible for at least another month.

Volkswagen preferred Imports to production
Volkswagen was expected to start the production in Iran but this German company preferred to import its productions. Importing the cars that are not licensed yet.

According to Salehinia, despite the fact that Mammut has received the production license about nine months ago, it preferred just to import the cars. If there will be any contacts between this two companies, it will be postponed to September, the first day of the twelfth government.

The contract between Saipa and Citroen is not officially signed yet. It can be concluded that the eleventh government share of car contract was Peugeot and Iran Khodro contract and several contract between part makers made by the private sector. All other contracts are now suspended and the twelfth government must take the responsibility.

Reporter: Asal Dadashloo